
2024-05-18 23:14

1. 求一篇英文论文的全文

英语中有一些表示方式、 程度的副词具有两种形式。 如late,lately; high,highly;slow,showly等 等。在这些词当中,两种不同形式所表达的含 义有的完全不同,有的很相似,而有的却完全一致。这就给人们 使用这些词时 带来一定的麻烦。特别是在学生中间,总免不了使用时的混淆。笔者想就此问题 分类作一点探讨 。

(一)本类词有hard,hardly;late,lately;most,mostly等等,这两 种副词形式含义完全不同,所以 ,使用时不易引起混淆。

1.He works hard all day.他整天都在使劲地干活。

He hardly works at all.他很少干活。

2.You have come too late.你来得太晚了。

Have you see him lately?你最近见到过他吗?

3.The person who talks most is often the one who doesleast.说得最 多的人常常干得最少。

The audience consisted mostly of women.观众大部分是女的。

4.The next flight dose not go direct to Tokyo; it goes byway of Shanghai.下趟航班不直飞东京 ,而是绕道上海。

He will be here directly.他马上就来。

5.The rider pulled his horse up short.骑手突然一下把马勒住。

Make a right turn shortly beyond the village. 村前不远处往右拐。

6.Please stand clear of the gate.请不要站在门前。

He stated his view-point clealy.他很清楚明白地阐述了自己的观点。

7.The exam was pretty difficult.这次考试相当难。

Her little girls are always prettily dressed.她的小女孩穿着总是很 漂亮。

(二)这类词主要有wide,widely;close, closely ;high,highly等 等,这两种副词形式不同,含义 也有差别,但是没有第一类的区别明显,而且 翻译成汉语时用词也很接近。所以使用时很容易混淆。这类词含 义及用法上的 主要特点是:不带-ly的副词表示具体的行为和动作,说明的动作或状况有可测 量性和可见性;而 以-ly结尾的同源副词所表达的常常是抽象性的行为和状况。 这时,这些词大都具有"greatly"和"extremel y"的含义。试作如下比较:

1.Do you see that butterfly flying high above the street?你是否看 见那只蝴蝶在街道上方高高飞舞 着?

The distinguished guests were highly praised.贵宾们受到了高度赞扬。 2.He flung the door wide open.他猛地把门开得大大的。

We were widely different on many questions.我们在许多问题上分歧很 大。

3.You will have to pay dear for that telescope.买那个望远镜你得付 很高的价钱。

You will pay dearly for the insult. 对这样的侮辱你将付出高昂的代价。

4.She stood close against the wall.她紧挨着墙站着。

The police were watching him closely.警察在密切监视他。

5.The bird is now flying quite low.鸟儿现在飞得非常低。

He bowed lowly before the queen.他谦恭地给女王鞠了一躬。

6.They had to dig deep to reach water.他们挖得很深才挖到水。 

You have offended him deeply.你冒犯他可不轻。

7.Grace is holding tight to Paul.格雷斯紧紧地搂抱着保罗。

The passengers were packed tightly in the train.火车车箱里挤满了乘 客。

8.Mr. Cole tends to speak rather loud.科尔先生说话声音总是很大。

Mr. Cole boasted loudly of his power. 科尔先生大肆夸耀自己的权力。

(三)这类词主要有slow,slowly;quick,quickly等等异形同义词。当 然,现代英语的语言规范性要求 用以-ly 结尾的副词来修饰动词,但由于句子 结构以及搭配的不同,使用时也具有不同的倾向性。在此,主要 探讨一下在什 么情况下常使用不带-ly的副词形式。同时, 把第二类中一些适应于下列规则 的词也包括进去。 总的说来,倾向于使用不带-ly副词形式的情况大致有下列 四种:
Ⅰ 用作比较级或最高级时:

1.Allen was walking quickly, but George was walking evenquicker.艾伦走得很快,但乔治走得更快 。

2.The men were quarreling loudly, but the policemenshouted louder.那些人在大声争吵着,但 是警察喊叫得更响。 

3.The car went slower and slower until it came to a stand still.汽车走得越来越慢,最后停了下 来。

4.Let's see who can run quickest.我们来看看谁跑得最快。

5.We must look closer at the problem. 我们必须更加仔细地查看这一问

题。 Ⅱ 有"so"或"too"修饰时: 

1.It all happened so quick that I could do nothing. 这一切发生得如 此之快以致于我手足无措无

法 对付了。

2.It is impossible to overtake him; your car goes tooslow.不可能赶 上他了,你的车太慢了。

3.Don't talk so loud; the child is in bed now.别这样大声说话,孩子 已经睡了。 

Ⅲ 用于修饰表示移动、天气等常用动词时: 

1.Come quick; we are waiting for you. 快来,我们在等你。

2.Drive slow; this part of the road is dangerous.车开慢一点,这段 路很危险。

3.The sun shines bright.阳光明媚。 

4.When we left the shelter, the snow was falling thickand the wind was blowing cold.我们 离开那棚屋时,正下着大雪,刮着寒风。

5.Business is going strong.生意兴隆。

Ⅳ 在固定词组中或当用于修饰它经常固定搭配的动词时:

1.Take it easy.不要紧张。 

2.Stand firm and hold it tight.站稳抓牢。

3.He often plays high.他赌注常下得很大。

4.The secretary copied the rough draft of her manager outfair.秘书 把经理那份粗潦的草稿很清 楚地誊写出来。

5.They were drinking deep in the fort deep into the night.他们在城 堡中痛饮到深夜。

通过观察,以上三类词中第一类较易区别、掌握和使用。对于后两类词,在 判别使用哪一种副词形式时一 般可以考虑以下几个原则:第一是具体性与抽象 性的原则。在表示实实在在的物体活动、位置移动或具体可见 的状况和变化时, 常使用不带-ly的副词形式,如:climb high,live close by,open wide,sink deep,tu rn sharp right;反之,具有抽象含义的动词常用以-ly结尾的副词, 如:think highly of,look closely into,love dearly等等。第二个原则就是常用固定搭配与灵活搭配的不同。 在一些固定词组或经常搭配使用 的词组中,不带-ly 的副词形式使用得很多, 如aim high,run high,fight fair,goeasy with,drink de ep,sleep sound 等等。第三个原则是口语体与标准体的使用区别。如有人说"Speak loudly and clearly. "也有人说"Speak loud and clear."对此情况难说谁对谁错,只能 说前一种说法属于规范性语体;而后一种 说法属于口语体。不带-ly 的简单形 式是早期英语遗留下来的口语体形式。例如现在还有人说"I badneed t his sort of material."就如G.O.寇姆在〈英语句法〉(Syntax)一书中说过的,带-ly 的副词是标准语或 好的口语, 但在松散的口语和大众语中人们仍然坚持使用没 有-ly的简单形式。

根据以上原则,可以解释为什么可以说"Don't talk so loud. "但必须说 "He protested/complained loudly。"Talk loud 是常用的搭配形式,而且talk一词的形象也比较具 体;protest与complain 则是搭配性 很强的词, 还常常和许多别的副词灵活 搭配, 如publicly,sharply,secretly等等。另外,这两个词比talk更具 感情色彩,所以也就更具抽象性。


2. 求一篇英文论文全文

英语中有一些表示方式、 程度的副词具有两种形式。 如late,lately; high,highly;slow,showly等 等。在这些词当中,两种不同形式所表达的含 义有的完全不同,有的很相似,而有的却完全一致。这就给人们 使用这些词时 带来一定的麻烦。特别是在学生中间,总免不了使用时的混淆。笔者想就此问题 分类作一点探讨 。

(一)本类词有hard,hardly;late,lately;most,mostly等等,这两 种副词形式含义完全不同,所以 ,使用时不易引起混淆。

1.He works hard all day.他整天都在使劲地干活。

He hardly works at all.他很少干活。

2.You have come too late.你来得太晚了。

Have you see him lately?你最近见到过他吗?

3.The person who talks most is often the one who doesleast.说得最 多的人常常干得最少。

The audience consisted mostly of women.观众大部分是女的。

4.The next flight dose not go direct to Tokyo; it goes byway of Shanghai.下趟航班不直飞东京 ,而是绕道上海。

He will be here directly.他马上就来。

5.The rider pulled his horse up short.骑手突然一下把马勒住。

Make a right turn shortly beyond the village. 村前不远处往右拐。

6.Please stand clear of the gate.请不要站在门前。

He stated his view-point clealy.他很清楚明白地阐述了自己的观点。

7.The exam was pretty difficult.这次考试相当难。

Her little girls are always prettily dressed.她的小女孩穿着总是很 漂亮。

(二)这类词主要有wide,widely;close, closely ;high,highly等 等,这两种副词形式不同,含义 也有差别,但是没有第一类的区别明显,而且 翻译成汉语时用词也很接近。所以使用时很容易混淆。这类词含 义及用法上的 主要特点是:不带-ly的副词表示具体的行为和动作,说明的动作或状况有可测 量性和可见性;而 以-ly结尾的同源副词所表达的常常是抽象性的行为和状况。 这时,这些词大都具有"greatly"和"extremel y"的含义。试作如下比较:

1.Do you see that butterfly flying high above the street?你是否看 见那只蝴蝶在街道上方高高飞舞 着?

The distinguished guests were highly praised.贵宾们受到了高度赞扬。 2.He flung the door wide open.他猛地把门开得大大的。

We were widely different on many questions.我们在许多问题上分歧很 大。

3.You will have to pay dear for that telescope.买那个望远镜你得付 很高的价钱。

You will pay dearly for the insult. 对这样的侮辱你将付出高昂的代价。

4.She stood close against the wall.她紧挨着墙站着。

The police were watching him closely.警察在密切监视他。

5.The bird is now flying quite low.鸟儿现在飞得非常低。

He bowed lowly before the queen.他谦恭地给女王鞠了一躬。

6.They had to dig deep to reach water.他们挖得很深才挖到水。 

You have offended him deeply.你冒犯他可不轻。

7.Grace is holding tight to Paul.格雷斯紧紧地搂抱着保罗。

The passengers were packed tightly in the train.火车车箱里挤满了乘 客。

8.Mr. Cole tends to speak rather loud.科尔先生说话声音总是很大。

Mr. Cole boasted loudly of his power. 科尔先生大肆夸耀自己的权力。

(三)这类词主要有slow,slowly;quick,quickly等等异形同义词。当 然,现代英语的语言规范性要求 用以-ly 结尾的副词来修饰动词,但由于句子 结构以及搭配的不同,使用时也具有不同的倾向性。在此,主要 探讨一下在什 么情况下常使用不带-ly的副词形式。同时, 把第二类中一些适应于下列规则 的词也包括进去。 总的说来,倾向于使用不带-ly副词形式的情况大致有下列 四种:
Ⅰ 用作比较级或最高级时:

1.Allen was walking quickly, but George was walking evenquicker.艾伦走得很快,但乔治走得更快 。

2.The men were quarreling loudly, but the policemenshouted louder.那些人在大声争吵着,但 是警察喊叫得更响。 

3.The car went slower and slower until it came to a stand still.汽车走得越来越慢,最后停了下 来。

4.Let's see who can run quickest.我们来看看谁跑得最快。

5.We must look closer at the problem. 我们必须更加仔细地查看这一问

题。 Ⅱ 有"so"或"too"修饰时: 

1.It all happened so quick that I could do nothing. 这一切发生得如 此之快以致于我手足无措无

法 对付了。

2.It is impossible to overtake him; your car goes tooslow.不可能赶 上他了,你的车太慢了。

3.Don't talk so loud; the child is in bed now.别这样大声说话,孩子 已经睡了。 

Ⅲ 用于修饰表示移动、天气等常用动词时: 

1.Come quick; we are waiting for you. 快来,我们在等你。

2.Drive slow; this part of the road is dangerous.车开慢一点,这段 路很危险。

3.The sun shines bright.阳光明媚。 

4.When we left the shelter, the snow was falling thickand the wind was blowing cold.我们 离开那棚屋时,正下着大雪,刮着寒风。

5.Business is going strong.生意兴隆。

Ⅳ 在固定词组中或当用于修饰它经常固定搭配的动词时:

1.Take it easy.不要紧张。 

2.Stand firm and hold it tight.站稳抓牢。

3.He often plays high.他赌注常下得很大。

4.The secretary copied the rough draft of her manager outfair.秘书 把经理那份粗潦的草稿很清 楚地誊写出来。

5.They were drinking deep in the fort deep into the night.他们在城 堡中痛饮到深夜。

通过观察,以上三类词中第一类较易区别、掌握和使用。对于后两类词,在 判别使用哪一种副词形式时一 般可以考虑以下几个原则:第一是具体性与抽象 性的原则。在表示实实在在的物体活动、位置移动或具体可见 的状况和变化时, 常使用不带-ly的副词形式,如:climb high,live close by,open wide,sink deep,tu rn sharp right;反之,具有抽象含义的动词常用以-ly结尾的副词, 如:think highly of,look closely into,love dearly等等。第二个原则就是常用固定搭配与灵活搭配的不同。 在一些固定词组或经常搭配使用 的词组中,不带-ly 的副词形式使用得很多, 如aim high,run high,fight fair,goeasy with,drink de ep,sleep sound 等等。第三个原则是口语体与标准体的使用区别。如有人说"Speak loudly and clearly. "也有人说"Speak loud and clear."对此情况难说谁对谁错,只能 说前一种说法属于规范性语体;而后一种 说法属于口语体。不带-ly 的简单形 式是早期英语遗留下来的口语体形式。例如现在还有人说"I badneed t his sort of material."就如G.O.寇姆在〈英语句法〉(Syntax)一书中说过的,带-ly 的副词是标准语或 好的口语, 但在松散的口语和大众语中人们仍然坚持使用没 有-ly的简单形式。

根据以上原则,可以解释为什么可以说"Don't talk so loud. "但必须说 "He protested/complained loudly。"Talk loud 是常用的搭配形式,而且talk一词的形象也比较具 体;protest与complain 则是搭配性 很强的词, 还常常和许多别的副词灵活 搭配, 如publicly,sharply,secretly等等。另外,这两个词比talk更具 感情色彩,所以也就更具抽象性。

3. 求论文摘要的英文版

Abstract: the party's sixteen major report clearly the society more harmonious column for the comprehensive construction well-off society is an important goal of. Plenary session of the sixteen Central Committee further proposed constructing the socialism harmonious society the job, emphasize the formation of all people do their best, play their proper role and the social harmony is the consolidation of the party's social foundation, is the realization of the party the inevitable requirement of the historical task. The report of the Seventeenth National Congress was to put forward more older " medical, security" and other security problems, but also stressed the need to " strengthen the aging work ". China has entered the aging society, how to make the old people's rights can be realized, as the construction of a harmonious society is an important task.


4. 求英文论文。

  Major Themes
  Painful Experience vs. Numbness

  Perhaps the greatest theme of the novel involves the relationship between the pain of actual experience and feeling one's feelings, on the one hand, and on the other hand the equally devastating numbness that comes with shutting down one's emotions in order to avoid suffering. After the death of Allie, Holden essentially shuts down, forcing himself to lose all attachments to people so as never to be hurt again. He repeatedly mentions how important it is not to get attached to anyone, since this will lead to missing them once they are gone. By the end of the novel, he has spiraled so far down with this theory that he has become afraid to even speak to anyone. Phoebe is perhaps the only reminder that Holden still has the capacity to love. When he looks at her, he cannot help but feel the same tortured love that he felt for Allie. Nevertheless, the surges of these feelings leave him even more bereft. He knows he must leave Phoebe to protect himself, but when she shows up to accompany him on his journey, ultimately he puts his love for her first and sacrifices his own instinct to flee in order to return home.

  Holden, it seems, is in the throes of an existential crisis. To a great degree he is numb to the pains and joys of life. Unable to come to terms with his brother's death, he has no one to show him the kind of parental or brotherly love that he himself gave Allie. Whenever someone does end up showing him even a hint of such love (such as Mr. Antolini), Holden ends up being disappointed.

  Love and Sex

  At his core, Holden is a deep, sensitive soul, at bottom unable to sublimate his feelings into numbness. He envies someone like Stradlater, who can simply pick up girls whenever he likes, and who treats sex as a casual pleasure. To Holden, however, sex is deeply discomforting. He cannot have it with girls he likes, and he cannot manage to numb himself enough to treat girls casually. Numbing himself to love, it seems, is Holden's greatest challenge. He feels too deeply about the world, about people, to truly shut down. When he finally does fall in love with Jane Gallagher, he soon discovers that Stradlater has a date with her, which confirms his suspicion that everything he loves eventually deteriorates. He leaves Pencey with some hope of inventing a new identity, but he cannot break out of his being. Even in the presence of a prostitute, he cannot think of having sex, only of having a conversation in the hope of feeling some glimmer of human affection with her. All Holden wants to do is talk, but he cannot find someone who will listen.
  Loss of Innocence

  Holden must face that fork in the road of adolescence when one realizes that maturity entails a loss of innocence—that greater knowledge of oneself and others and the circumstances all comes with a price. In Holden's case, he cannot bear to accept the death of Allie, the death of pure innocence that had no good reason to suffer or die. In Holden's eyes, Allie is truth, while everyone else is “phony.” Innocence goes with idealism and a certain inability or unwillingness to bear and accept the harsher reality. Holden cannot bear to hold onto his innocence because innocence brings its own harms; people continue to disappoint him. Thus the cost of maturity is much less; innocence has been quite painful, too. Innocence has been problematic: the prostitute demands more money for nothing, the man who takes him in seems like a pedophile, and the cab drivers berate him as stupid when he asks simple questions about the birds in the park. While Allie’s memory can help him preserve his innocence, this is not enough, for he cannot find real love in the outside world.

  Besides, losing Allie has brought tremendous pain. Holden also has the common adolescent experience of perceiving that time in school learning mundane lessons feels petty when his entire soul is in flux as it comes to grips with reality. When the entire world around him appears phony, where can he go to grasp hold of some reality, some stable truth? Without an explanation why Allie was taken from him, there appears no reason behind the world's events, and in this respect Holden’s maturity involves a deep loss of innocence such that he perceives that the reality of the world is its very irrationality.

  Phoniness vs. Authenticity

  Holden labels almost everyone a “phony,” excepting Phoebe, Allie, and himself. In Holden's eyes, a “phony” is someone who embraces the world’s mundane demands and tries to make something out of nothing—that is, just about everyone who studies in school or who puts on airs in order to do a job or achieve a goal. The fact that no one is acknowledging how trivial and fleeting life is, compared with the grand things we tell one another about reality—how difficult it is to truly love and share oneself with people knowing that all, like Allie, will eventually die—causes him to burn with frustration, even rage. Holden understands on some level one of the most profound truths of mortal life: the superficial matters little because it will not last, yet it is made to seem so much more important. Meanwhile, all around him, he must watch superficial people win honors through their artifice. He thus holds his deepest contempt for those who succeed as phonies: Stradlater, the Headmaster, and all the boys who treat school as if it is a club to be ruled by Social Darwinism. All Holden wants is some authentic living, to hold on to someone like Phoebe or Allie who knows nothing of the world’s superficiality and therefore is not tainted by it, but he is afraid to make it too real out of the justified fear of one day losing them forever.
  Life and Death

  A key part of Holden’s emotional life involves his reaction to Allie’s death. People live for a while, but all too soon we all die. Allie did not choose it, but Holden thinks about James Castle, a skinny boy who jumped out the window at school and fell to his death. Holden himself entertains thoughts of a similar suicide. The decision to numb himself to his feelings about life is a decision to shut himself down emotionally so much that he is no longer truly living. It is a decision, however, that remains fundamentally impossible for Holden. When he thinks about James Castle, he cannot bear to imagine James just laying there amidst the stone and blood, with no one picking him up.

  Holden might see some romance in suicide and some comfort in the idea that it ends internal pain, but death does seem worse, the ultimate loneliness. He seen the effects of death on the living as well. He thus cannot do to Phoebe what Allie has done to them already.

  He plods on, only sure that he must gradually wean himself away from Phoebe so that she gets used to losing him forever--and so that he gets used to being away from her. Though Holden needs closeness and love in order to renew his life, he keeps driving himself further away from it in order to avoid the inevitable loss. The more he wants to experience life, the more antisocial he becomes and the more he imagines death. This paradox is part of Holden’s life: there is pain in shutting down one's feelings, and there is pain in the risk of opening oneself up again. He impossibly tries to avoid pains that are inevitable for human mortals while they live.

  Lack of Authority Figures

  Holden is profoundly alone. His parents are absent except for insisting that he progress along a conventional path and stay in school as long as he can before he is kicked out or tires of each institution. His parents do not let him regroup but send him off to the next school. At Pencey, Holden finds no adult to trust with his feelings; most people everywhere are phony. Some adults even seem so selfish that they are willing to abuse children. Overall, Holden views adults with intense disappointment, even cynicism. How is it that the older they get, the farther from authenticity they get? Meanwhile, the gradual deterioration of the body disgusts him. Upon visiting an old professor, much of his thoughts are dedicated to the awfulness of the old man's body. There is no allure in growing older.

  Authority does not seem related to wisdom, either. Adults tell Holden to find direction and thus stability, but he views such advice as both suspicious and na?ve; playing such a game is inauthentic. Going his own way autonomously, as a law unto himself, does not work out so well either, so it is unclear where Holden might find legitimate authority.


  Holden is very lonely, and his adolescent loneliness seems to run much deeper than the feelings so commonly felt at that age. He admits to his loneliness openly, and it gives him evidence that perhaps he might still have some emotions left. At the same time, Holden takes few steps to mitigate his loneliness. Whenever he feels the urge to meet someone, to call up a girl, to have a social experience, he ends up sabotaging it before he can get hurt. He thus protects himself so fully that he effectively shuts off any possibilities of alleviating his own loneliness. He might want to call Jane, for example, but he hangs up before she gets on the phone. He might want to sleep with a prostitute to feel human comfort, but this will not do. He might want to interact with friends at a bar, but he ends up saying something hurtful so that they abandon him. Pushing them away provides a deeper and deeper loneliness, but at these moments of choice he is willing to endure it rather than eventually face the ultimate, devastating loneliness of losing another person like Allie.

5. 急搜一篇英文版英语语言学论文!

1. We'd better develop our interest in English at the beginning of our study. To develop interest in English study is not very hard. We may have the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from our English study when we are able to say something simple in English, talk with others or foreigners in English and act as others' interpreters. 


  2. Plans are always very essential, so we must make some elaborate and workable plans before study. And we should certainly carry out these plans to the letter. 

  制定英语学习计划太重要了,所以我们必须在学习前制定精细的和可操作的计划. 并且我们一定要严格执行这些计划.请注意:千万不要干没有计划的傻事,那等于在浪费生命. 

  3. Notes should be made whenever we study any book. We may follow this advice: Don't read book without making notes. As we know that notes are the summarization, the core content, our understanding and the abbreviations of the books. Our notes are much thinner than the books so that we can learn them by heart easier and can often review and read them. We may also record our notes on tapes so as to often listen to them easier, to deepen our impression and to lighten our burden of memory. Sometimes it is needful to draw some tables and illustrations that are very impressive, visual and concise. 


  4. Watching English movies, English TV programs, listening to English songs and learn English on some special occasions are also excellent and vivid English learning ways as we may combine English with some certain scenes to deepen our memory. 


  5. Never just memorize single English words. Learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words so we may know how to use the words. 


  6. If time permits, we may read Mini Chinese-English dictionary carefully from cover to cover, which may help us widen our sight and master knowledge in all aspects. 


  7. Excellent personality is one of the decisive factors in English study. Persistence, patience, self-confidence and determination are badly needed. 

  优秀的性格也是英语学习的关键因素之一,坚持,忍耐,自信和坚定都是很重要的.当然如果兴趣培养得好, 可适当削弱这方面的要求. 
  Part 2 Detailed methods(第2部分 具体方法) 

  1. Oral English:(口语学习) 

  A. We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness. 


  B. Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English. 


  C. If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves. 


  D. This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First we read the Chinese parts and then try to interpret them into English and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation. 



6. 急求一篇英文文献


  M——专著         C——论文集       N——报纸文章
  J——期刊文章      D——学位论文     R——报告
  ①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, M.R.,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & I.Gordon.;
  ②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。
  [1] 王海粟.浅议会计信息披露模式[J].财政研究,2004,21(1):56-58.
  [2] 夏鲁惠.高等学校毕业论文教学情况调研报告[J].高等理科教育,2004(1):46-52.
  [3] Heider, E.R.& D.C.Oliver. The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages [J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1999, (3): 62 – 67.
[举例][4] 葛家澍,林志军.现代西方财务会计理论[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2001:42.
  [5] Gill, R. Mastering English Literature [M]. London: Macmillan, 1985: 42-45.
  [6] 李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N]. 光明日报,1998-12-27(3).
  [7] French, W. Between Silences: A Voice from China[N]. Atlantic Weekly, 1987-8-15(33).
  [8] 伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979:12-17.
  [9] Spivak,G. “Can the Subaltern Speak?”[A]. In C.Nelson & L. Grossberg(eds.). Victory in Limbo: Imigism [C]. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp.271-313.
  [10] Almarza, G.G. Student foreign language teacher’s knowledge growth [A]. In D.Freeman and J.C.Richards (eds.). Teacher Learning in Language Teaching [C]. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996. pp.50-78.
  [11] 张筑生.微分半动力系统的不变集[D].北京:北京大学数学系数学研究所, 1983:1-7.
  [12] 冯西桥.核反应堆压力管道与压力容器的LBB分析[R].北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院, 1997:9-10.
[举例][15] 中华人民共和国科学技术委员会.科学技术期刊管理办法[Z].1991—06—05
[格式][序号]原著作者. 书名[M].译者,译.出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.
  参考文献与文中注(王小龙,2005)对应。标号在标点符号内。多个都需要标注出来,而不是1-6等等 ,并列写出来。

7. 求一篇英文论文全文,带翻译,,谢谢了

英语中有一些表示方式、 程度的副词具有两种形式。 如late,lately; high,highly;slow,showly等 等。在这些词当中,两种不同形式所表达的含 义有的完全不同,有的很相似,而有的却完全一致。这就给人们 使用这些词时 带来一定的麻烦。特别是在学生中间,总免不了使用时的混淆。笔者想就此问题 分类作一点探讨 。

(一)本类词有hard,hardly;late,lately;most,mostly等等,这两 种副词形式含义完全不同,所以 ,使用时不易引起混淆。

1.He works hard all day.他整天都在使劲地干活。

He hardly works at all.他很少干活。

2.You have come too late.你来得太晚了。

Have you see him lately?你最近见到过他吗?

3.The person who talks most is often the one who doesleast.说得最 多的人常常干得最少。

The audience consisted mostly of women.观众大部分是女的。

4.The next flight dose not go direct to Tokyo; it goes byway of Shanghai.下趟航班不直飞东京 ,而是绕道上海。

He will be here directly.他马上就来。

5.The rider pulled his horse up short.骑手突然一下把马勒住。

Make a right turn shortly beyond the village. 村前不远处往右拐。

6.Please stand clear of the gate.请不要站在门前。

He stated his view-point clealy.他很清楚明白地阐述了自己的观点。

7.The exam was pretty difficult.这次考试相当难。

Her little girls are always prettily dressed.她的小女孩穿着总是很 漂亮。

(二)这类词主要有wide,widely;close, closely ;high,highly等 等,这两种副词形式不同,含义 也有差别,但是没有第一类的区别明显,而且 翻译成汉语时用词也很接近。所以使用时很容易混淆。这类词含 义及用法上的 主要特点是:不带-ly的副词表示具体的行为和动作,说明的动作或状况有可测 量性和可见性;而 以-ly结尾的同源副词所表达的常常是抽象性的行为和状况。 这时,这些词大都具有"greatly"和"extremel y"的含义。试作如下比较:

1.Do you see that butterfly flying high above the street?你是否看 见那只蝴蝶在街道上方高高飞舞 着?

The distinguished guests were highly praised.贵宾们受到了高度赞扬。 2.He flung the door wide open.他猛地把门开得大大的。

We were widely different on many questions.我们在许多问题上分歧很 大。

3.You will have to pay dear for that telescope.买那个望远镜你得付 很高的价钱。

You will pay dearly for the insult. 对这样的侮辱你将付出高昂的代价。

4.She stood close against the wall.她紧挨着墙站着。

The police were watching him closely.警察在密切监视他。

5.The bird is now flying quite low.鸟儿现在飞得非常低。

He bowed lowly before the queen.他谦恭地给女王鞠了一躬。

6.They had to dig deep to reach water.他们挖得很深才挖到水。 

You have offended him deeply.你冒犯他可不轻。

7.Grace is holding tight to Paul.格雷斯紧紧地搂抱着保罗。

The passengers were packed tightly in the train.火车车箱里挤满了乘 客。

8.Mr. Cole tends to speak rather loud.科尔先生说话声音总是很大。

Mr. Cole boasted loudly of his power. 科尔先生大肆夸耀自己的权力。

(三)这类词主要有slow,slowly;quick,quickly等等异形同义词。当 然,现代英语的语言规范性要求 用以-ly 结尾的副词来修饰动词,但由于句子 结构以及搭配的不同,使用时也具有不同的倾向性。在此,主要 探讨一下在什 么情况下常使用不带-ly的副词形式。同时, 把第二类中一些适应于下列规则 的词也包括进去。 总的说来,倾向于使用不带-ly副词形式的情况大致有下列 四种:
Ⅰ 用作比较级或最高级时:

1.Allen was walking quickly, but George was walking evenquicker.艾伦走得很快,但乔治走得更快 。

2.The men were quarreling loudly, but the policemenshouted louder.那些人在大声争吵着,但 是警察喊叫得更响。 

3.The car went slower and slower until it came to a stand still.汽车走得越来越慢,最后停了下 来。

4.Let's see who can run quickest.我们来看看谁跑得最快。

5.We must look closer at the problem. 我们必须更加仔细地查看这一问

题。 Ⅱ 有"so"或"too"修饰时: 

1.It all happened so quick that I could do nothing. 这一切发生得如 此之快以致于我手足无措无

法 对付了。

2.It is impossible to overtake him; your car goes tooslow.不可能赶 上他了,你的车太慢了。

3.Don't talk so loud; the child is in bed now.别这样大声说话,孩子 已经睡了。 

Ⅲ 用于修饰表示移动、天气等常用动词时: 

1.Come quick; we are waiting for you. 快来,我们在等你。

2.Drive slow; this part of the road is dangerous.车开慢一点,这段 路很危险。

3.The sun shines bright.阳光明媚。 

4.When we left the shelter, the snow was falling thickand the wind was blowing cold.我们 离开那棚屋时,正下着大雪,刮着寒风。

5.Business is going strong.生意兴隆。

Ⅳ 在固定词组中或当用于修饰它经常固定搭配的动词时:

1.Take it easy.不要紧张。 

2.Stand firm and hold it tight.站稳抓牢。

3.He often plays high.他赌注常下得很大。

4.The secretary copied the rough draft of her manager outfair.秘书 把经理那份粗潦的草稿很清 楚地誊写出来。

5.They were drinking deep in the fort deep into the night.他们在城 堡中痛饮到深夜。

通过观察,以上三类词中第一类较易区别、掌握和使用。对于后两类词,在 判别使用哪一种副词形式时一 般可以考虑以下几个原则:第一是具体性与抽象 性的原则。在表示实实在在的物体活动、位置移动或具体可见 的状况和变化时, 常使用不带-ly的副词形式,如:climb high,live close by,open wide,sink deep,tu rn sharp right;反之,具有抽象含义的动词常用以-ly结尾的副词, 如:think highly of,look closely into,love dearly等等。第二个原则就是常用固定搭配与灵活搭配的不同。 在一些固定词组或经常搭配使用 的词组中,不带-ly 的副词形式使用得很多, 如aim high,run high,fight fair,goeasy with,drink de ep,sleep sound 等等。第三个原则是口语体与标准体的使用区别。如有人说"Speak loudly and clearly. "也有人说"Speak loud and clear."对此情况难说谁对谁错,只能 说前一种说法属于规范性语体;而后一种 说法属于口语体。不带-ly 的简单形 式是早期英语遗留下来的口语体形式。例如现在还有人说"I badneed t his sort of material."就如G.O.寇姆在〈英语句法〉(Syntax)一书中说过的,带-ly 的副词是标准语或 好的口语, 但在松散的口语和大众语中人们仍然坚持使用没 有-ly的简单形式。

根据以上原则,可以解释为什么可以说"Don't talk so loud. "但必须说 "He protested/complained loudly。"Talk loud 是常用的搭配形式,而且talk一词的形象也比较具 体;protest与complain 则是搭配性 很强的词, 还常常和许多别的副词灵活 搭配, 如publicly,sharply,secretly等等。另外,这两个词比talk更具 感情色彩,所以也就更具抽象性。


8. 要写毕业论文的外文翻译,谁能帮我下载份纯英文文献
