
2024-05-19 13:44

1. 苏茜·欧曼的摘要

加缪说:“现代社会里假装没有钱也能拥有快乐,这是一种精神上的势利眼。”从父亲身上学到的人生第一课让苏茜·欧曼从不讳言金钱的魅力。在她看来,金钱是一种世界语言,不管男人还是女人,中国人还是美国人,金钱就是金钱,它的功能完全一样。苏茜·欧曼是理财三部曲《财富之路》、《致富的勇气》和《九步达到财务自由》的作者。她1997年写的《九步达到财务自由》是当年美国最畅销的非小说类书籍,占据《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜近一年,发行量超过210万册。其实,早在2年前.她的第一本著作《挣到了,就别失去》就已经大卖特卖-之后再版25次。她的个人理财经典之一《THE 9 STEPS TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM》还在《今日美国》、《华尔街日报》、《商业周刊》的畅销书排行榜上名列前茅。Suze Orman (born Susan Lynn Orman June 5, 1951) is an American financial advisor, author, motivational speaker, and television host. She is the host of The Suze Orman Show on CNBC. She has written six consecutive New York Times Best Sellers; has written, co-produced, and hosted six PBS specials based on her books; and is the most successful fundraiser in the history of public television. Similar programs that she hosts on QVC, the leading home shopping network, also place her as the top seller. In 2004 and 2006, Orman won two daytime Emmy Awards in the category of Outstanding Service Show Host for her PBS specials. Over her television career, she has won five Gracie Awards, more than anyone in the 33-year history of the awards. In 2008, she was selected by Time magazine as one of the most influential people in the world. In 2009 she was honored by Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) with the Vito Russo Media Award.


2. 苏茜·欧曼的介绍

苏茜·欧曼(Suze Orman)——全球第一理财师、从女招待到亿万身价理财师,“影响美国股民的金融五大鳄”之一。 苏茜·欧曼被《今日美国》誉为“女性理财权威”,她所著的三本理财图书连续登上《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜。她是美国全国广播公司商业频道(CNBC)的个人理财编辑以及苏茜欧曼节目的主持人,她还是《奥普拉》杂志的特约撰稿人。
